Web service-related specifications
You're a bit far off the beaten track, Dorothy.
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W3C standards
Amazing, an entire lost civilization!
- SOAP 1.1: a lightweight XML-based protocol which can be used for exchanging structured and typed information between peers in a decentralized, distributed environment.
- SOAP 1.2: latest version of SOAP
- SOAP attachments: enables bindings to transmit attachments along with a SOAP envelope.
- SOAP MTOM: describes a feature optimizing the transmission and/or wire format of SOAP messages.
- SOAP Resource Representation: describes the semantics and serialization of a SOAP header block for carrying resource representations in SOAP messages.
- WSDL 1.1: WSDL is an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information.
- WSDL 2.0: WSDL 2.0 (formerly known as 1.2) is the latest version of WSDL.
- UDDI 2.0: Universal Description, Discovery and Integration, or UDDI, is the name of a group of web-based registries that expose information about a business or other entity and its interfaces.
- UDDI 3.0: The UDDI Version 3.0 Specification describes the Web services, data structures and behaviors of all instances of a UDDI registry.
- WS-Addressing: provides transport-neutral mechanisms to address Web services and messages. Specifically, this specification defines XML elements to identify Web service endpoints and to secure end-to-end endpoint identification in messages.
- WS-CDL: The Web Services Choreography Description Language describes peer-to-peer collaborations of participants by defining their common and complementary observable behavior; where ordered message exchanges result in accomplishing a common business goal.
- WS-Enumeration: describes a protocol for enumerating a sequence of XML elements from a SOAP enabled information source.
- WS-EventDescriptions: describes a mechanism by which an endpoint can advertise the structure and contents of the events it might generate.
- WS-Eventing: describes a protocol that allows Web services to subscribe to or accept subscriptions for event notification messages.
- WS-Fragment: enables clients to retrieve and manipulate parts or fragments of a WS-Transfer enabled resource without needing to include the entire XML representation in a message exchange.
- WS-MetadataExchange: defines how metadata associated with a Web service endpoint can be transferred, embedded, retrieved and advertised.
- WS-Policy: describes the capabilities and constraints of the security (and other business) policies on intermediaries and endpoints (e.g. required security tokens, supported encryption algorithms, privacy rules).
- WS-SOAPAssertions: defines two WS-Policy assertions that can be used to advertise the requirement to use a certain version of SOAP in message exchanges.
- WS-Transfer: provides a mechanism for accessing XML representations of Web service-based resources.
Notes and submissions (not officially ratified)
- SOAP digital signature: specifies the syntax and processing rules of a SOAP header entry to carry digital signature information within a SOAP 1.1 Envelope.
- WSCI: The Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI) is an XML-based interface description language that describes the flow of messages exchanged by a Web Service participating in choreographed interactions with other services. OBSOLETE — superseded by WS-CDL.
- WSCL: The Web Services Conversation Language allows the abstract interfaces of Web services, i.e. the business level conversations or public processes supported by a Web service, to be defined. OBSOLETE — superseded by WS-CDL.
- WSDL-S: Web Service Semantics defines a mechanism to associate semantic annotations with Web services that are described using WSDL.
- WSMO: The Web Service Modeling Ontology provides a conceptual model and language for the semantic markup describing all relevant aspects of general services which are accessible through a web service interface.
- WS-MessageDelivery: defines a mechanism to reference Web services, essential abstract message delivery properties, a SOAP binding for those properties, and the relationship of those properties to WSDL definitions and message exchange patterns.
- WS-PolicyAttachment: defines two mechanisms for associating a WS-Policy with the subjects to which it applies.
- WS-PAEPR: defines the semantics of including a WS-Policy within the WS-Addressing metadata property of an endpoint reference.
- WS-Polling: defines a mechanism to deliver messages destined to an unreachable endpoint by allowing the destination to 'poll' the source for messages targeted for it.
- WS-ResourceTransfer: defines extensions to WS-Transfer primarily to provide fragment-based access to resources. OBSOLETE — superseded by WS-Fragment.
- XUP: The Extensible User Interface Protocol is a SOAP-based protocol for communicating user interface events and updates on the web.
ISO standards
- WS-Management (ISO/IEC 17963): protocol for the management of servers, devices, applications and various Web services.
- WS-Session (ISO/IEC 25437): allows applications to create and maintain an application session with a server.
OASIS standards
Are you lost? —No, a wanderer couldn't have gotten this far...
- WSDM: The purpose of the Web Services Distributed Management technical committee was to define web services management, including using web services architecture and technology to manage distributed resources. Consists of:
- Management using Web Services (MuWS)
- Management of Web Services (MoWS)
- WSRF: The WS-Resource Framework is a set of specifications that provide a consistent way to describe and access Web services that offer access to stateful resources. Consists of:
- WS-Resource
- WS-ResourceProperties
- WS-ResourceLifetime
- WS-ServiceGroup
- WS-BaseFaults
- WS-Coordination: describes an extensible framework for providing protocols that coordinate the actions of distributed applications.
- WS-Discovery: defines a multicast discovery protocol for dynamic discovery of services on ad-hoc and managed networks.
- WS-Federation: describes how to manage and broker the trust relationships in a heterogeneous federated environment including support for federated identities.
- WS-Notifications: a family of related specifications that define a standard Web services approach to notification using a topic-based publish/subscribe pattern. Overlaps with WS-Eventing (Huan & Gannon 2006). Consists of:
- WS-BaseNotification
- WS-Topics
- WS-BrokeredNotification
- WS-Calendar: describes a semantic model for exchange of calendar information, and a means of synchronizing and maintaining calendars.
- WS-HumanTask: enables the integration of human tasks in service-oriented applications.
- WS-MakeConnection: describes how messages can be exchanged between a server and a client using a transport-specific back-channel.
- WS-Reliability: is a SOAP-based protocol for exchanging SOAP messages with guaranteed delivery, no duplicates, and guaranteed message ordering. Overlaps with WS-ReliableMessaging.
- WS-ReliableMessaging: describes a protocol that allows messages to be delivered reliably between distributed applications in the presence of software component, system, or network failures.
- WS-SecureConversation: will describe how to manage and authenticate message exchanges between parties including security context exchange and establishing and deriving session keys.
- WS-Security: describes how to attach signature and encryption headers to SOAP messages. In addition, it describes how to attach security tokens, including binary security tokens such as X.509 certificates and Kerberos tickets, to messages.
- WS-SecurityPolicy: builds on WS-Security by defining how to describe policies related to various features defined in the WS-Security specification, and is therefore considered an "addendum" to the WS-Security specification
- WS-Transaction: defines what constitutes a transaction and what will determine when it has completed successfully. Consists of:
- WS-Context: provides a definition, a structuring mechanism, and service definitions for organizing and sharing context across multiple execution endpoints.
- WS-AtomicTransaction: provides the definition of the atomic transaction coordination type
- WS-BusinessActivity: defines a specific set of protocols to implement long-running, compensation-based transaction protocols.
- WS-Trust: describes a framework for trust models that enables Web services to securely interoperate.
- WSRP: Web Services for Remote Portlets are visual, user-facing web services centric components that plug-n-play with portals or other intermediary web applications that aggregate content or applications from different sources.
- SPML: The Service Provisioning Markup Language defines an XML-based framework for exchanging user, resource, and service provisioning information within and between organizations.
Other specifications
You're not the first to try, but you'd be the first to succeed.
- SOAP over XMPP (XSF): defines methods for transporting SOAP messages over XMPP.
- WS-Acknowledgement (BEA): enables senders to request explicit acknowledgement from receivers that a Request Message has been received. OBSOLETE — superseded by WS-ReliableMessaging.
- WS-ActiveProfile: defines how the WS-Federation model is applied to active requestors such as SOAP applications.
- WS-Attachments (IBM/MSFT): defines an abstract model for SOAP attachments and based on this model defines a mechanism for encapsulating a SOAP message and zero or more attachments in a DIME message. Overlaps with SOAP attachments.
- WS-Authorization: will describe how to manage authorization data and authorization policies.
- WS-CAF: Composite Application Framework - open, multi-level framework for standard coordination of long-running business processes across multiple, incompatible transaction processing models and architectures (Tilkov 2005).
- WS-Callback (BEA): used to dynamically specify where to send asynchronous responses to a SOAP request.
- WS-Choreography: describes mechanisms to co-ordinate the interaction among Web Services and their users. OBSOLETE — superseded by WS-CDL.
- WS-Events (HP): The WS-Events specification defines an XML syntax and a set of processing rules for advertising, subscribing, producing and consuming Web Services Events using a push and pull mode. OBSOLETE — superseded by WS-Notifications.
- WS-Inspection (IBM/MSFT): is an XML format for assisting in the inspection of a site for available services (Brittenham 2002).
- WS-Manageability: introduces the general concepts of a manageability model in terms of manageability topics and the aspects used to define them.
- WS-MessageData (BEA): introduces the MessageData header which enables the re-use of meta-data about a message across SOAP extensions. OBSOLETE — superseded by WS-MetadataExchange.
- WS-PassiveProfile describes how the cross trust realm identity, authentication and authorization federation mechanisms defined in WS-Federation can be utilized used by passive requestors such as Web browsers to provide Identity Services. Passive requesters of this profile are limited to the HTTP protocol.
- WS-PolicyAssertions (MSFT): provides an initial set of assertions to address some common needs of Web Services applications.
- WS-Provisioning (IBM/MSFT): describes the APIs and schemas necessary to facilitate interoperability between provisioning systems and to allow software vendors to provide provisioning facilities in a consistent way. OBSOLETE — superseded by SPML.
- WS-Privacy: will describe a model for how Web services and requesters state privacy preferences and organizational privacy practice statements.
- WS-Referral (MSFT): protocol for inserting, deleting, and querying routing entries in a SOAP router.
- WS-Replication: infrastructure for WAN replication of web services.
- WS-Routing (MSFT): protocol for exchanging one-way SOAP messages from an initial sender to the ultimate receiver, potentially via a set of intermediaries. OBSOLETE — superseded by WS-Addressing.
- WS-TransmissionControl: A set of constructs for controlling the exchange of messages between services to improve reliability by preventing message loss due to service unavailability, overloading queues, and other causes.
- WSMF: The Web Services Management Framework (WSMF) is a logical architecture for managing computing resources, including Web services themselves, through Web services. OBSOLETE — superseded by WSDM.
- SAML: SAML is an XML framework for exchanging authentication and authorization information.
- [BPEL4WS]: defines a notation for specifying business process behavior based on Web Services
- WSXL (IBM): is a Web services centric component model for interactive Web applications, that is, for applications that provide a user experience across the Internet (Chamberlain et al., 2002).
There were surely others, evidenced now only in hushed omens, and whose names no man can recall.